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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Welcome to my life ...

I want to be a tv chef. I've never wanted anything more in my entire life. But the funny part is, I didn't even know that this is what I wanted to be until about a month ago. It makes sense, I've always loved food, cooking, and helping others. I just never put it all together in my head until I recently tried out for (and didn't get) a reality show to become a real chef.

Not that I really thought I'd get picked, but now I know what I want to be when I grow up; and as I near my 30th birthday, I just don't know what to do. Friends have been urging me to blog for years to tell the stories of what I consider to be a pretty regular existence that they for some reason find hilarious and entertaining. So now I sit here on my couch, having my big girl glass and typing my thoughts so that maybe someone important will see this and give me my very own show.

I hope anyone reading this at least enjoys the recipes that I plan to include in my postings. I have three main strengths in the kitchen: turning grandmom's comfort foods into healthy meals with little recipe substitution, cooking gourmet meals on weeknights, and creating sunday feasts that take an entire day of preparation and cooking that could wow even the pickiest of critics. I hope to showcase those talents while thrilling you with little stories about my life, mostly about my husband Dan, my blog's namesake and quite possibly the funniest person I know. You'll also get to know entirely too much about my dogs, Fredo and Gus, that we swear have human personalities and whose thoughts we enjoy providing to one another.

1 comment:

  1. This will be great for you!!!!!! I am your sous chef, stylist or just your "handler"!
